César L. Barrio-Amorós
Doc Frog
Scientific director and photographer
Spanish herpetologist who dedicated his life to the understanding and
conservation of reptiles and amphibians.
César L. Barrio-Amorós is a Spanish anthropologist who dedicated his life to the understanding and conservation of nature. His main interests are amphibians and reptiles (herpetology) and for that reason, he has worked and continues to research in Costa Rica, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama, Spain, Morocco, México and Colombia.
He produced more than 200 scientific articles and described 51 new species of amphibians and reptiles for science, mainly from remote and unexplored landscapes.
Part of his research can be downloaded from here.
He also made documentaries for Venezuelan television and is now feeding his Youtube channel. His photographs are well known as they appeared in many books, articles and web pages.
Doc Frog Photography and Doc Frog Expeditions are his brand logos and now he is joining his efforts with CRWild to offer the best possible herping opportunities in Costa Rica.
With CRWild he offers different herping expeditions around the world, but here he focuses on Costa Rica and extends throughout Central America.