Explore the herpetological secrets
of the ancient Mayan country of Guatemala
Guatemala is not only quetzals, beautiful lakes and volcanoes; it was part of the ancient Maya territory.
In this beautiful and little explored country, we will explore Caribbean rain and cloud forests, as well as one Pacific locality.
Our goals are endemic delicacies like the yellow blotched palm viper (Bothriechis aurifer), the Guatemalan Beaded Lizard (Heloderma charlesbogerti) and the beautiful salamanders of the genus Bolitoglossa. Submerging Guatemalan idiosyncrasy to reach the most undisclosed herps will be our goal there.

This expedition to Guatemala is intended to find and photograph some of the most marvelous and spectacular species of reptiles and amphibians in the world.
Guatemala is a poorly known country by the herping world.
But it counts a huge biodiversity in a very small area, with 432 species of reptiles and amphibians in 109.000 km2. In this expedition we can observe so many different species in 9 days, and will visit four different locations along the Caribbean versant, one cloud forest, two rain forests and one dry forest.

Some pictures taken during our
Herping Expeditions in Guatemala

The itinerary and/or order of activities may change without prior notice due to various reasons (such as weather conditions, social unrest, political issues, etc.), and efforts will be made to substitute similar options. The guide will always keep the group informed about any changes.
Day 2
During the day will explore some habitat of these species, and visit the Center of the Reserve for conservation of Heloderma charlesbogerti. At night, more herping will lead to many surprises and Photography opportunities.

About the tour

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