This Night Herping tour is especially conceived for families, groups of friends or herping photographers. The minimum number is 4 people.
In around 2 hours, we will see many species of invertebrates (including cicadas, scorpions, tarantulas and other spiders, and even sometimes onycophorans); and will focus in amphibians (rainfrogs, glassfrogs, poison frogs, treefrogs) and looking for reptiles (like Basilisks, anoles or night lizards) and snakes (like cat-eyed snakes, blunt-headed snakes or pit vipers as fer-de-lance and eyelash viper)

This is a walk for all kind of people, from 5 to 80 years old, in an welcoming rainforest and creek protected by a tico family for decades.
At the end, we can enjoy some refreshment and typical tico appetizer and spend some time commenting your new experiences.