Night Tours
Osa Herping
Experience the incredible biodiversity of the wildest place on Earth
with knowledgeable local indigenous guides.

Osa! Magic word.
For those that are attracted to Tropical nature, Osa is synonym of Biodiversity. National geographic has repeated many times that osa contains 5% of the biodiversity of the Planet!
Osa peninsula has the most vibrating rainforests of Central America, with a huge variety of mammals, birds, amphibians and reptiles. To explore Osa is to become a genuine naturalist!

Osa is home of the mighty and mythic black-headed bushmaster
(Lachesis melanocephala), of the endemic white-tailed hognose viper (Porthidium porrasi), and other incredible snakes like Bothriechis schlegelii, Bothrops asper, Clelia clelia, Dipsas tenuissima, etc etc. Many lizards, crocodiles and caimans, turtles and amphibians like the gliding treefrog (Agalychnis spurrelli) or the endemic worm-like caecilian Oscaecilia osae also find here their home.

Contact Us
Get in touch by filling out the form. We’ll respond as soon we can.
Other services
Black Headed Bushmaster
Tracking a black headed bushmaster is now possible
thanks to telemetry and the conservation project.
It is now possible to offer visits to tourists who wish to see the rarest snake in the world.
Price for a herp tour/person:
Foreign visitor: $60*
Domestic visitor: $60*
Staying over!
The Osa Peninsula is one of the most biodiverse regions of the country and the world, an area that every naturalist will enjoy! Anyone can visit the village and even stay the night. Traditional meals can be prepared for you on the spot by local families or staying at lodges or cabins in the woods. Wild hiking trails are plenty and local and professional naturalist guides are at your disposal to show you the forests.
Price per night/person:
Foreign and Domestic visitor: $60
(including 3 meals + drinks).
Students & Volunteers
Are you a student at any natural sciences discipline and are you interested in studying the Black-headed bushmaster? In our project it is possible! You can follow internships or conduct your own studies saying with local families.
If you wish to volunteer in the project, follow an internship and/or conduct your own study, send us a motivational letter or an abstract of what you wish to achieve and we'll help you get over here!